Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Movies Worth Seeing

Since I am a great movie buff, many of my friends ask me to recommend movies for them. Lately, I am getting more and more requests. Must be the economy is keeping everyone home but in need of entertainment. I decided instead of writing out a huge list, I would start this blog.

The movies I will present here run the gamut from classics to indies to foreign to popcorn movies. Of course, they will be movies I like and think are worth seeing. Sometimes they will not be great movies, but they will be interesting and not boring. Most of all, I want to include movies that many people have never heard of. You will find that I favor happy endings, heartwarming stories.

Also, as much as I love movies, I do not like the movie theater experience. I really enjoy the DVD experience instead. I like the extras, the ability to pause the movie, lying down in bed, and having no one talking or otherwise disturbing me. Most of the movies listed here will probably no longer be available in movie theaters, but they will all be available on DVD.

I also HATE previews. How many times have you realized that after seeing the previews, there is no need to see the movie. Previews for comedies almost always show the best laugh scenes. They often give away the ending or tell you the whole story. The only time I watch previews is AFTER I have watched the movie!

I have a friend who hates getting too much information about a movie before she sees it. She wants just enough to entice her to watch: just the set-up and not what happens. So, Jermana, I write these recommendations with you in mind.

Where we were once at the mercy of the studios, the local movie theaters, and the television networks, today there are so many ways to find movies. I am almost a charter member of Netflix, who I love. I also use my public library which offers many surprising selections. You can buy movies, rent them, view them online, Tivo them, demand them, download them, borrow them from friends, or catch them on television. If there is a movie out there that you want to see, today you can!

I will also now and then talk about some television shows that are on DVD. There have been some great television shows. I watch all television on DVD, waiting for the entire series to be completely on disc before I start watching, so most of the TV shows I talk about will no longer be currently on the air, but will be available on DVD.

I encourage everyone to add their opinions about the movies posted here.

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